Change of Major Process

An undergraduate student may change from one degree program or college when space is available. Most colleges and programs have different policies and requirements for accepting new majors. For example, most departments require that you be in good academic standing. Some majors may have limited space and therefore have very competitive requirements. It is important that students work with the appropriate department to submit their change of major request.

Current W.S. Lee College of Engineering Students

Advised in the Office of Student Development and Success

Visit OSDS for the first-year Change of Major form.

Advised by Major Departmental Advisor

Students who are advised by their major department and are interested in changing to another W.S. Lee College of Engineering degree program must contact the new major department or visit their website for admission eligibility and instructions on how to initiate the change of major.

Students wishing to change to a non-W.S. Lee College of Engineering major must visit the new major department or the University Advising Center (Colvard North 2200) to complete the Change of Major process.

Currently Enrolled Non-Engineering Students

Currently enrolled UNC Charlotte students who wish to change to an engineering major must first satisfy the following requirements in order to be considered eligible for admission:

  1. Complete the freshman engineering curriculum as outlined in the program’s Academic Plan of Study.
  2. Complete all non-elective courses in the first-year engineering curriculum with a grade of C or better.
  3. Earn a 2.5 cumulative GPA (2.2 cumulative GPA for engineering technology; 3.0 cumulative GPA for mechanical engineering).
  4. Pass all courses within two attempts which includes withdrawing from a course with a grade of W.

The Academic Plan of Study identifies the courses required in the four-year curriculum and in some cases also specifies pre- and co-requisites and which courses require a grade of C or better.

Upon satisfying all of the above requirements, students may request admission to an engineering program. Review the major/department’s website for more details on the declaration of major process.

Civil Engineering

Instructions to declare Civil Engineering

For questions regarding the declaration of major process, contact Ms. Kristy Lowman.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Change of Major Form for Electrical and Computer Engineering

For questions regarding the declaration of major process, contact Mrs. Michaela Barger

Engineering Technology and Construction Management

Current UNC Charlotte students who are interested in changing majors to Engineering Technology or Construction Management must meet major-specific requirements in order to declare a major.

Please see the Change of Major Instructions and Form for more information on the process.

Industrial and Systems Engineering

Change of Major Form for Industrial and Systems Engineering

Please send an email to if you have issues submitting the Change of Major Form.

Mechanical Engineering

Change of Major Instructions Mechanical Engineering (MEGR)

For questions regarding the declaration of major process, please contact Ms. Rebecca Stamper.

Transition Advising

Dr. Cricket Bonnetaud, Director of Transition Advising, is available to work with students transitioning out of the W.S. Lee College of Engineering. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment by sending an email to Dr. Bonnetaud.

Taking Engineering Courses as a Non-Major

Non-W.S. Lee College of Engineering students and ETCM students who wish to change to an EN major are prohibited from taking sophomore-level and higher engineering-specific courses until they are admitted to a degree program in the W.S. Lee College of Engineering. Non-W.S. Lee College of Engineering students and ETCM students who wish to change to an EN major must complete the change of major process BEFORE approval is given for sophomore-level engineering-specific courses.

First-Year College of Engineering Courses

Continuing Non-LCOE students and ETCM students who wish to change to an EN major:

These students may request permission to enroll in ENGR 1201 (Introduction to Engineering I) or ETGR 1201 (Introduction to Engineering Technology).

  • Eligibility for ENGR 1201: Must be MATH 1241 ready.
  • Eligibility for ETGR 1201: Must be MATH 1100 ready.

Students must fill out and submit a Course Authorization Request. The link to this request is found under the second button below. Pay attention to all information at the top of the form.

First Time in College, New Transfer Non-LCOE students, and New ETCM students who are not admissible to an EN major:

These students must fill out and submit a Course Authorization Request before authorization is given. Requests are processed in the order received. These students will be given authorization to register for ENGR 1201 the first week of August (Fall semester) or January (Spring semester), if seats are available.

Requesting Authorization for ENGR 1201 or ETGR 1201

*Non-engineering students must request entry to a discipline-specific section of ENGR 1202 via the respective academic department.

Requesting ENGR 1202

Engineering Technology and Construction Management Admissions Criteria

Current UNC Charlotte students who are interested in changing majors to Engineering Technology or Construction Management must meet major-specific requirements in order to declare a major.

Please visit for more information on the change of major process.

Upon satisfying all of the major-specific requirements, students may request admission to an ETCM program by scheduling an appointment with the departmental advisor listed below:

Civil Engineering Technology

Ms. Jill Rogers

Electrical Engineering Technology

Undergraduate Advisor

Fire and Safety Engineering Technology

Undergraduate Advisor

Mechanical Engineering Technology

Ms. Rachel Powell

Transition Advising

Dr. Cricket Bonnetaud, Director of Transition Advising, is available to work with students transitioning out of the College of Engineering. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment via email:

NOTE: The Engineering Technology and Construction Management process is not intended for students currently advised in the Office of Student Development and Success (OSDS). Students advised in OSDS should follow the guidelines listed under Current Lee College of Engineering Students.