Dr. Ahmed Arafa, Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, was awarded the Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Women in STEM, more specificaly alumnae from William States Lee College of Engineering, are making an impact on campus and in the workplace. Today, the number of women enrolled in the W.S. Lee College of Engineering has grown 50% in the last decade, but still represents only 15% of overall college enrollment. Work needs to be done – and our alumnae are leading the way.
On October 27, 2022, William States Lee College of Engineering was pleased to honor its leading research faculty during the inaugural Research Awards Ceremony. The ceremony recognizes 2021-2022 faculty for their research excellence as they forge the future of discovery and new knowledge for engineering. The awards honors college faculty who contribute significantly to the […]
UNC Charlotte’s William States Lee College of Engineering recently introduced a new innovation alongside an existing local heirloom. Community leaders, dignitaries and academia gathered to gain a first-hand look at the new lithium ion battery power cart and the historic Belmont Trolley cars that it will soon power.
Ryan Kennedy, 2004 graduate from the B.S. in Electrical Engineering program, and Mike Mazzola, director of UNC Charlotte’s EPIC and the Duke Energy Distinguished Chair in Power Engineering, have been named to the Charlotte Business Journal’s Inaugural Power 100 List.
Increasingly, people wonder how to make their surroundings – like a home – healthier. Now, with empirical evidence and engineering technology, researchers are investigating this on a broader scale, for example, in large corporate buildings and hospitals. William States Lee College of Engineering Assistant Professor Jacelyn Rice-Boayue, along with colleagues from across campus and the state, are studying the environment inside buildings, detecting microbiomes and developing ways to keep our spaces healthier.
William States Lee College of Engineering will be featured nationally on a public television documentary, Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid, a series whose mission is “changing our lives for the better.” The episode spotlighting the College will explore why UNC Charlotte is a top choice for an engineering education.
Clean energy is taking hold in North Carolina. A firm regional presence in the industry, and steady – if not exponential – growth promises an upward trajectory within our state’s economy.
Two UNC Charlotte faculty members –Professor Emeritus Harold Reiter and Duke Energy Distinguished Professor of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management Tao Hong–have led Team USA’s elementary and middle school-level teams to six gold medals and one Grand Champion Team Award in the International Mathematics Competition 2022.
Engineers from sixteen nations across the globe gathered in Charlotte on June 12-15, 2022 in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the Electrostatic Society of America (ESA).